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Библиотека акушера

Carbetocin, a long-acting oxytocin analogue, has been reported to elicit interesting and peculiar behavioural effects. The aim/purpose of this work was to investigate the molecular pharmacology of carbetocin in order to better understand the molecular basis of its action in the brain. Using Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (BRET) biosensors, we characterised the effects of carbetocin on the three human oxytocin/vasopressin receptors expressed in the nervous system: the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) and the vasopressin V1a (V1aR) and V1b (V1bR) receptors.

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To compare the e ectiveness of carbetocin with oxytocin with respect to maintain adequate uterine tone and to reduce the incidence and severity of postpartum haemorrhage. Moreover safety, adverse e ects and the need of additional medications were evaluated. Methods: Prospective controlled clinical trial.

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A randomized study involving pregnant women was conducted to compare the eVectiveness of a single intravenous (IV) injection of carbetocin with that of a stan- dard 2-h oxytocin IV infusion with respect to intraoperative blood loss in the prevention of uterine atony after cesarean section (CS). The two treatments also were compared for safety and ability to maintain adequate uterine tone and to reduce the incidence and severity of postpartum hemor- rhage (PPH) in women at risk for this condition.

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