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Библиотека акушера

Preterm birth is defined as birth before 37 weeks of gestation and is the single biggest cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The UK preterm birth rate has increased to 8.6% and this is despite advances in prediction of those at risk, prevention strategies and treatment.

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Preterm birth is the major cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality in the developed world, and spontaneous preterm labor is the commonest cause of preterm birth. Interventions to treat women in spontaneous preterm labor have not reduced the incidence of preterm births but this may be due to increased risk factors, inclusion of births at the limits of viability, and an increase in the use of elective preterm birth.

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Preterm birth is the major cause of perinatal mortality and morbidity in the developed world. Objective: The aim of this study was to establish the importance of preterm birth and the huge healthcare costs involved and review the pathophysiology of preterm labor and the use of antepartum glucocorticoids, which are the main reason why tocolytics are used to prevent or delay preterm birth. The study also reviewed the range of tocolytics available, their mode of action and the evidence for their efficacy and fetomaternal safety.

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With 15 million premature babies born worldwide every year, premature birth is the biggest problem in obstetrics.1 It is not only the most common reason that newborn babies die,1 but is also an important cause of long-term brain, bowel, lung, and eye damage. Antenatal steroids reduce the risk of lung disease, intracranial bleeding, and death2 and magnesium sulphate reduces cerebral palsy.3 Obstetricians often also prescribe uterine relaxant, or tocolytic, drugs to delay birth, albeit without much evidence to support this practice. Current policy4,5 is generally to limit tocolysis to 48 h to gain the maximum benefit from steroids and allow in-utero transfer to a suitable intensive-care facility. But which tocolytic should be used?

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