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13th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine 2017 (WCPM)

13th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine 2017 (WCPM)
26-29 Октября 2017
Сербия, Белград, Sava Center

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О мероприятии

It is an honor and pleasure to welcome you to the 13th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine, which will be held on October 26-29, 2017 in Belgrade, Serbia.
The city of Belgrade provided full support and hospitality to host WCPM 2017. The Congress will be held from October 26-29 2017 in Sava Center, Belgrade, Serbia. Lying in the heart of Europe, Belgrade and Serbia, open to all European nations due to its very liberal visa policy, is directly connected to over 60 major destinations all over continent. WAPM Congress will be hosted in the Sava Center, one of the largest congress center in southeast Europe.
The Congress will put together professionals in all areas of perinatal, neonatal, obstetrics, pediatric, perinatal pathology, pediatric surgery, pediatric cardiology, and genetics from all around the world.
The World Congress of Perinatal Medicine will be an incredible opportunity to learn, to participate and to network with those who are at the forefront of our field. The scientific program will provide you with the most advance knowledge in perinatal medicine. With your help and highly valuable contribution, I am sure that the general quality of the discussions will increase tremendously.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee we are looking forward to welcome you to Belgrade.


Сайт мероприятия: www.wcpm2017.com
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